What i want to do is contradict totally what i have been making over the last few months, a film about a loner. The film is about one person, one individual, one sole subject. I then want to contradict this and project it onto lots of things, totally juxtaposing the idea of a loner. As well as this, one of the main theory behind a balloon is celebration, giving, coming together as friends and family, again i want to totally twist this and contradict the subject totally.
As well as this, at the end of the exhibition, i want to release 100 balloons into the air, attached to each balloon will be a tag with a link on saying please log onto this link. Hopefully 100 people will get this balloon, click on the link and joining and interact and socialize with people from around the country. By doing so we are bringing people together, again contradicting and juxtaposing against my original theme of the LONER.
I think this is a nice and interesting way to bring people together, as in today society social networking is such a massive part of peoples lives, and allowing this one subject and this one element to bring them together I think works quite well.
Problems that I may face is the duration of the balloons when helium has been put in it. The life of them is around 9 hours which I may struggle with as the exhibition is a week long. A plan needs to be put into place.
I did a test run over the weekend to see how it turned out. I was very pleased with the out come, I have enclosed some screen shots to the left of me, which show the brief outline of what it should look like. I think more balloons are needed though.